Category Archives: Lip Augmentation

Lip Service

You’ve been looking in the mirror lately and you’ve noticed that your lips don’t quite have same youthful look that they used to have. Do you see lifeless lips that are showing signs of age, with wrinkles and unsightly lines around your mouth? Face it, they’re just flat, tired, and in need of a change. It’s time for a little lip service. You have lots of options when it comes to giving your lips a much-needed boost, and we’re here to help.

At Augusta Aesthetic Surgery, we use a dermal filler called Restylane that is very effective for smoothing wrinkles and giving lips a more youthful lift and appearance. Whether you suffer from laugh lines or wrinkles at the corner of your mouth, or you are concerned about the flatness of your lips, Restylane can help solve these problems and get you where you want to be. It is safe, well-tested, and FDA-approved.

Is a Restylane procedure right for you? Call us today at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery and schedule a free consultation with Dr. Gary Williamson, one of the Augusta area’s most well-respected plastic surgeons. He will discuss all of your lip augmentation options and find the right solution for your needs.

Lip Service

Are you tired of thin, lifeless lips? Or, are the wrinkles around your mouth beginning to make you look older and tired? It’s time to pay service to your lips and get them plumped up. Lip augmentation is a simple cosmetic procedure that can give your lips new life and give you a younger-looking appearance in the process.

Most lip augmentation is done by injections of collagen or hyaluronic acids, which are known by a number of different brand names like Radiesse, Juvederm, and Restylane. These are simple cosmetic procedures that are quick and relatively painless, with a minimal amount of recovery time. That means you can have the lips you want in a short amount of time.

Are you ready to pucker up and put those lips into service? Call Dr. Gary Williamson today at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery and schedule a free consultation. Dr. Williamson is one of Augusta’s best plastic surgeons, and he will be able to determine the right lip augmentation procedure for you.

Lip Augmentation

Pump it up!  If you are seeking fuller lips, along with fewer wrinkles around your mouth, there are a few options to choose from when it comes to lip augmentation procedures.  The easiest way to put new life into those lips is in the form of filler injections.  The injections can be synthetic or natural, and each type of injection has its own unique qualities.  Injections are quick and easy, and they usually require very little recovery time.  Most injections are temporary in nature, not permanent, so in order to maintain your look, you will probably have to have injections on a regular basis.

Collagen fillers are usually created from proteins found in human or animal skin.  Collegen can also be created from your own skin, which is also known as autologen, and it is usually obtained from a previous surgical procedure such as a tummy tuck.  There are also fillers made from hyaluronic acid, which is a substance found naturally in the body, and are known by their brand names like Juvederm, Radiesse,and Restylane.

There are also more permanent alternatives like synthetic implants, which are more invasive and have their own considerations.  It is important to discuss your options with your plastic surgeon and find out which lip augmentation is right for you.  Call Dr. Gary Williamson today to schedule your free consultation.


Lip Augmentation: Plump It Up!

We’ve all seen the woman who gobs on a thick, burgundy-colored, “ring around the nude lips” liner. And the woman who wastes hundreds of dollars trying cosmetic products that swear up and down to “make lips sexier and plumper in just five minutes,” but only leave lips feeling slightly tingly and abnormally greasy. Of course, you don’t want to be the woman who has apparently been chased down and stung by an entire hive of African Killer Bees on both her bottom and upper lips. Fear not ladies… a happy (and tasteful) medium does exist for those seeking plastic surgery to make lips fuller on a more permanent level.

Okay, okay…I have to admit that I’ve been guilty of being one of “those women” mentioned above. After scouring the internet, searching for the #1 alternative to surgical lip augmentation, I found myself spending $50+ for a tube of goop better known as lip plumping lip gloss. I could hardly make it out of Sephora without trying on my new and expensive lip gloss. After applying it, I impulsively checked my reflection every 30 seconds awaiting to see my lips magically turn into Angelina Jolie’s. No such luck.

When it comes to enhancing your lip beauty, over-the-counter products leave not only your lips but also your wallet quite disappointed. If you are seeking a noticeable difference in lip size, then a lip augmentation through a skilled plastic surgeon is the way to go. Lip augmentation options generally fall into two categories: injections or implants. Lip injections (such as collagen or Juvéderm) are a less permanent way to provide immediate and noticeable results. Lip implants are the better option for those seeking a more drastic and permanent look. Although each option has its own benefits, Dr. Williamson can help you decide which option is best for you. Contact Dr. Williamson Today!