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Men and Plastic Surgery

When you think of plastic surgery, the first thing that probably comes to mind is breast implants. The world of cosmetic enhancements is typically labeled as a woman’s domain; but that won’t be the case forever. The reality is the fastest growing demographic opting for cosmetic procedures is men. Some people are still getting used to the idea of men and plastic surgery. However, those who chose to try it are loving it. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, about 13% of cosmetic surgical procedures were performed on men in 2011, and that number is continuing to rise. The top 5 Surgical Procedures for men: Nose reshaping (Rhinoplasty) Eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty) Liposuction Breast reduction (Gynecomastia) Facelift (Rhytidectomy) The top 5 Cosmetic Minimally‐Invasive Procedures for men: Botulinum Toxin Type A (Botox®, Dysport®) Laser hair removal Microdermabrasion Chemical peel Soft Tissue Fillers The benefits men experience from cosmetic enhancement are More…

Hetter Chemical Peel

It is no secret that some forms of cosmetic enhancement involve a bit of recovery time, like a chemical peel. But the results of a Hetter Chemical Peel are well worth the wait.  And it is important to plan for this procedure unlike Samantha from Sex and the City! Typically, a Hetter Chemical Peel from Augusta Aesthetic Surgery takes about a week to 10 days to heal. That initial healing time is followed by an extended period of redness, but don’t worry. By then it is safe to apply make-up. During the recovery time, it is important to limit sun exposure and use sunscreen because your skin will be extra sensitive. Despite the healing process, you will be amazed by what you see in the mirror. You can expect about 80 to 90 percent of your fine wrinkles to be gone. And if you are looking for a non-surgical alternative, More…

The “In” Crowd

It seemed like a very good idea at the time, didn’t it? All your friends were getting new tattoos, showing off their ink with pride. It made you think you were missing out, so you jumped on the bandwagon and got a new tattoo, right where everyone could see it. And, now, you regret it. It’s not so new anymore, and you’re a little older and wiser. You try to hide, but it’s no use. You know it’s there, and so does everyone else. It is disrupting to your career, and it makes people form opinions about you that aren’t fair. It’s time to move on and leave that bad decision behind. The good news is that tattoos aren’t as permanent as they used to be. Most of them can be removed after a few sessions of special laser treatment. At Augusta Aesthetic Surgery, we specialize in tattoo removal, and More…

Botox for Migraines?

Botox isn’t just making people look younger, but it is also used in treatments for patients who suffer from chronic migraines. That’s right, the FDA recently approved Botox as an effective treatment for those who deal with the debilitating bouts of extreme headaches that plague millions of people in the US. The treatments usually last up to 12 weeks and provide freedom from the severe pain that migraines can bring. As a cosmetic procedure, Botox is famous for smoothing out wrinkles and giving the facial area a more youthful appearance. It is usually very effective and the results are quick. Plus, the recovery time is minimal, especially when compared to more invasive plastic surgeries and procedures. Injections have become a very popular type of procedure because they are so fast and easy. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of Botox, give us a call today at More…

Give Your Arms a Lift!

Are your arms flabby and ugly? Nothing will make you look older than lifeless-looking arms that wiggle and jiggle when you move them around. And, as you get older, even exercise and weight-lifting won’t get rid of all the excess skin and flabbiness that comes with age. But, don’t worry, because an arm lift can be the perfect solution! An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a common cosmetic surgery that can reshape your arms into a more pleasant appearance. It can make you look younger and more energetic, giving your arms that sleek, toned look. An arm lift will adjust the look of the arm between the underarm and the elbow, which is that problem area that plagues most women as they age. And, the only scar that remains after the procedure is under your upper arm, in a very discreet and hidden area. Is an arm lift right for More…

Lip Service

You’ve been looking in the mirror lately and you’ve noticed that your lips don’t quite have same youthful look that they used to have. Do you see lifeless lips that are showing signs of age, with wrinkles and unsightly lines around your mouth? Face it, they’re just flat, tired, and in need of a change. It’s time for a little lip service. You have lots of options when it comes to giving your lips a much-needed boost, and we’re here to help. At Augusta Aesthetic Surgery, we use a dermal filler called Restylane that is very effective for smoothing wrinkles and giving lips a more youthful lift and appearance. Whether you suffer from laugh lines or wrinkles at the corner of your mouth, or you are concerned about the flatness of your lips, Restylane can help solve these problems and get you where you want to be. It is safe, More…

Time for a Change

You were 19 when you got that tattoo. It was a wild, carefree time of life, and you weren’t thinking about the future. Now, it’s 10 years later. You’ve started a family, and you’re looking to further your career. The problem is, that tattoo doesn’t seem like such a good idea anymore, does it? You are a different person now than you were then, and it’s time for a change. And, like most things in life, change can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be. Tattoo removal may sound like a difficult process, but it’s easier than you might think. Laser treatments have come a long way in recent years, and modern technology allows tattoo removal to be quicker and easier than ever before. Simply put, if you want to have a tattoo removed, now is the best time to do it. If you’d like to erase the mistakes More…

Breast Reduction Surgery

It’s something you rarely hear about, especially when all the hype about plastic surgery is about breast augmentation and increasing breast size. You don’t always think about a woman wanting her breasts to be smaller. The reality is that many women suffer from having breasts that are too large. It can cause discomfort in many ways, including chronic back pain over time. Women who choose breast reduction do it for many different reasons – sometimes it is because of the aforementioned discomfort, and sometimes it is because their breasts are disproportionate to the rest of their body. Just like women who have smaller breasts, women with overly large breasts are usually seeking to have breasts that are the right size for their body shape and image. If you’ve ever been concerned about the size of your breasts, or you have ever felt discomfort because of their size, then you could More…

How to Decide if Plastic Surgery is Right for You

In this modern age, you have so many choices when it comes to cosmetic procedures and surgeries.  You can do anything from Fraxel laser treatments to tummy tucks and face lifts.  How do you decide what’s right for you?  Like any other elective medical treatment, plastic surgery is something you should approach with care and caution.  It is important for you to know all of your options, because one procedure may be right for you above the others. Simply put, you need professional, no-pressure advice.  That is why we’re here at Augusta Aesthetic Surgery.  Schedule a free, no obligation consultation with Dr. Gary Williamson to discuss all of your alternatives. Each case is different, and plastic surgery is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing.  What’s right for you may not be right for someone else.  You cannot simply go on the advice and suggestions of family and friends – you More…

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

A recent study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons suggests that breast augmentation holds many benefits for women, going so far to say that it can improve their quality of life.  The report indicates that breast augmentation can actually enhance self-esteem and boost sexual satisfaction.  An overwhelming majority of the women surveyed said that breast augmentation gave them improvements in three different areas of life, including satisfaction with the surgery, well-being psychologically, and their sexual satisfaction. That’s good news for women who are considering breast augmentation, because it shows the positive outcome that the procedure can provide in the long run.  It is a big decision and it should be considered carefully, just like any other plastic surgery. This type of information is valuable for women who are wondering if cosmetic surgery is right for them. If you are curious about breast augmentation or any other cosmetic procedure, please More…

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